Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Loyalty – Part II


Having said all that. I am disappointed with the PS3 fanbase.

My claims of them being elitist snobs seem to be holding up. As my once mighty PSN friends list has dwindled from 62 to something like 12.   Basically I give you either 30 days to game with me or a few attempts to Co-Op before I delete you.  Even my friends fail me…

I don’t even bother to ask anymore.  I just do what most of the people on my list do… Idle…  Everybody knows I am down for Co-Op. But it seems that the only people that shit matters to is anybody on my 360 list.  I have probably 10 to 12 people on it. Some friends and some randoms… and I have to go offline most of the time because I’m buried under game invites and I feel bad saying no. 

To be fair… I never thought I’d be spending this much time with the 360.  But … as it turns out… They actually came to game! Holy shit did they ever. 

I love my PS3 but now… its purely for Single Player games. If I want to game with other people without waiting around or trying to find a random player that isn’t… gifted … I go over to the 360.

And it doesn’t really bug me that I flip flop with my loyalty.  But considering I was one of the few people championing the PS3 when it was getting its ASS HANDED to them repeatedly by 360, you’d think more, some, at least one, PS3 user would mourn the loss of one of its biggest fans.  But no… they just poke their nose in the air and float away.

So… to my newfound 360 friends and future ones I will no doubt make.. I am sorry for slandering you and raging against you. Turns out *I* was the idiot and you guys are the actual real gamers.  So as I continue to eat my humble pie, I hope the lot of you wont rub it into my face too much.  I’m just glad to be on a team that came to play.


Loyalty – Part I

I’ve never been brand loyal when it comes to games.  I go with the system that rocks it the best for me.  I was a Nintendo child, Sony Teen and continue to be a huge fan of Sony.

Normally this blog is just a gimmick and really a joke. There are bits of honesty and seriousness to it but it only exists to get people talking about games.  But this entry comes from my Sitting-30-degrees-Celsius-sweaty-taint.

Fuck Fanboys/Fangirls/Xbots/Lamestation users and Wiitards!
You all can 5 S these nuts…. Yeah… You can Sniff/Swirl/Sip/Swish and or Spit or Swallow (depending on your preference) these nuts.

And its not just restricted to you console dipsticks. That goes for you Dev fanboys too.

I’m not really a fanboy. I play the role of one when it comes to fanning the fires between Microsoft Vs. Sony… but that’s my gimmick. I don’t like fanboys because they only come out to play when you diss them.  Especially ActiBlizzion users. And with the exception of Nintendo fanboys… they spew these numbers at me like they mean something. 11 million users… So what? If Nintendo woke up with Blizzard’s money, Shiggy and Reggie Fills-Aime would perform ritual suicides. Please note I’m talking about the fanboys and not the fans themselves.

To any of my friends and family members who are Coo-Coo for Blizzard puffs, I’m sorry if you’re offended but just know that I’m not referring to you. Matter fact you all probably know who I’m talking about more than most because they just might be in your guild or your clan.

I’m honestly very happy Blizzard found a way to get a piece of the gaming pie in a once dying market. Activision-Blizzard & EA-Maxis are doing a great job of keeping the PC gaming space alive with all their brands… and even Valve with Steam deserves Kudos because thanks to all their efforts PC gaming probably wont be going anywhere. And that’s awesome for gaming and gamers alike. 

But this isn’t about my contempt for ignorant fanboys…

If you don’t know my gaming history… Click on the first episode of my friggen show.  I can guarantee that I was probably playing games before your parents started humping to Stairway to Heaven or R. Kelly and even Usher depending on your decade.  I bleed silicon and my blood type is 3DO (Google it).  I chew blast processing (Google it) piss trophies, shit achievements and fart emotion chips.

To Be Continued…