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Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Actually... Your campaign is kinda... Uhh.. Happy
As if the Homosexual community doesn't feel society's ignorance enough. Now (and for the duration of the history of popular online gaming) they have to deal with constantly hearing the word "gay" being thrown around. Man... That's tough. I can't imagine how that feels.
But as a gamer.. and someone who uses the phrase "That's so gay" from time to time... Let me shed some light on this whole thing. And maybe piss some gasoline on a dying flame...
I'm gonna go out on a limb... and say there is a war brewing between Gays and Gamers. So...Gay Gamers... PICK A SIDE!! THIS IS WAR!
For those who don't know... way back in August, I reported on awaste of tax money ad campaign that wants to.... I dunno.. I think they want to do some sort of reverse psychology that stereotypes Cheerleaders, Jocks and Gamers.
The problem is.... I'm no cheerleader or Jock... but if a gamer is talking about somebody's sexual orientation... it's either Fag or dyke. And even the word "fag" is up for debate but one step at a time... Let's start with Gay.
The problem with this campaign is the fact that you're attacking people who are using the word gay.. in the same way one would say something is "bad" when they mean it is good. Gay used to mean happy or good before it was straight jacked by the homosexual community porchmonkey Clerks II style. So now.. in the modern world where bad means good and SICK means Really good... Gay now means lame or sad. Period. And there isn't a damn thing you can do about it but get used to it.
When a derogatory word is used for nothing but one thing... then complain... I don't wanna sound cold but when a gamer says "don't be gay" or "thats so gay" they aren't talking about homosexuals. So this campaign feels like gamers are being targeted for no reason.
I realize homophobia exists, but out of all the homophobic communities out there. I assure you that your average gamer doesn't give a shit about your sexual orientation (unless you're beating them) even if you're insecure about it.
Hey, I know beinggay Homosexual is no picnic and that your community is still feeling the pinch of inequality. That shit sucks. But maybe the focus should be on the issues. Instead of picking a fight with gamers. You don't want to do that. Gamers can and will ruin you. Just ask Cooper Lawrence who simply said something stupid.
So... To the good folks at your heart is in the right place. But your targets are wrong. And to the good folks at you just wanted attention so...
Have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.
P.S. Your list was hilarious. You had to use the Hubble Telescope to find the gay in 99% of the games you listed. Just like Cooper Lawrence, you ought to try playing them first.
MyNutsHaveSpoken! Uh-Bitch-Bitch
But as a gamer.. and someone who uses the phrase "That's so gay" from time to time... Let me shed some light on this whole thing. And maybe piss some gasoline on a dying flame...
I'm gonna go out on a limb... and say there is a war brewing between Gays and Gamers. So...Gay Gamers... PICK A SIDE!! THIS IS WAR!
For those who don't know... way back in August, I reported on a
The problem is.... I'm no cheerleader or Jock... but if a gamer is talking about somebody's sexual orientation... it's either Fag or dyke. And even the word "fag" is up for debate but one step at a time... Let's start with Gay.
The problem with this campaign is the fact that you're attacking people who are using the word gay.. in the same way one would say something is "bad" when they mean it is good. Gay used to mean happy or good before it was straight jacked by the homosexual community porchmonkey Clerks II style. So now.. in the modern world where bad means good and SICK means Really good... Gay now means lame or sad. Period. And there isn't a damn thing you can do about it but get used to it.
When a derogatory word is used for nothing but one thing... then complain... I don't wanna sound cold but when a gamer says "don't be gay" or "thats so gay" they aren't talking about homosexuals. So this campaign feels like gamers are being targeted for no reason.
I realize homophobia exists, but out of all the homophobic communities out there. I assure you that your average gamer doesn't give a shit about your sexual orientation (unless you're beating them) even if you're insecure about it.
Hey, I know being
So... To the good folks at your heart is in the right place. But your targets are wrong. And to the good folks at you just wanted attention so...
Have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.
P.S. Your list was hilarious. You had to use the Hubble Telescope to find the gay in 99% of the games you listed. Just like Cooper Lawrence, you ought to try playing them first.
MyNutsHaveSpoken! Uh-Bitch-Bitch
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Take Two made dumber than dumb choices in 09
I don't wanna drag this out because I love their work. GTA (Italian air kiss) Max Payne (DELISSIOSO!)
Yet... for some flippen reason they are confused as to why their recent efforts to milk what they thought was a cash cow Fell Flat
I'll tell you why... GTA IV... great game... Replay Value... UGH... I dunno... but its really low. I beat it twice (2nd time was purely to if I could get the gold for beating it under 30 hours) And I haven't gone back and not even two DLC packs (Which are not even available to me) would get me to go back to a game I played in 2000
The statement goes on to say that between 2010's Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne 3 and BIO-FREAKEN-SHOCK 2... They don't think they can turn a profit. Ok look.. Your development costs are obviously WAY WAY too high. Maybe Max Payne wont destroy sales records... But Bioshock 2 should at least help you break even. I'm going to purchase 2 of the 3 titles mentioned and I'm sure one of them (Max Payne 3) will be OFF THE HOOK!
Back to GTA 4 for a minute.... See.. You thought because you did like 8 million units worldwide that you had a good game on your hands. And you did. One which ... from beginning to end was an enjoyable ride. HOWEVER! -- It was just a GTA 3 expansion in HD. Anything that you added.... was negated by what you removed. (RPG elements from San Andreas, The sheer map size, the girlfriend mechanics, and THE HUMOR) --- So The Lost and The Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony or whatever it is called may have been worthy ... .They just aren't what GTA players worldwide want to play. Here... I'll help you... GTA: Cape Disappointment (Which may not work because its a real place) But go with me... Make it like you're making San Andreas 2... That way it will be awesome!~! and if nobody plays it, you can say it was in the title and you'll know that gamers are done with GTA for now.
Finally... I take great exception to them acting like they give a shit about GTA on the PSP... That's bullshit and they know it. ANY and EVERY GTA-PSP owner will tell you.... 1) Fuck Chinatown Wars in the ASS with chalk dust. 2) Where the hell is San Andreas Stories? -- You wanna turn a profit on a portable system... SAN ANDREAS STORIES!!
You don't get to port a shitty half assed game (by PSP standards) and cry about your failure.
Have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up!
Jaded Gamer
Sunday, October 18, 2009
So I totally went with Jaded Gamer's Show...
FINALLY it's done!
There ya go. And Vote in the poll!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Katamari Forever
Ok. I like Katamari Damacy.... I really do. I find the art and gameplay comical as well as engaging.
But this new iteration... I dunno. . .
It looks like the NBC Peacock threw up and took a crap at the same time.... then smeared the mess all over its feathers...
It plays nice though. I tried the demo but the environment looks old. I hope they did that for Demo sake.
Navigating the new world looks kind of confusing as well...
I'm worried I wont be impressed by this one.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Facebook is making me do this... P.S. I'm BAAAAAAAACK
Alright... This will be the only post that will appear the exact same in my personal and public blogs.
The reason for the doubling up of blogs is simple. This social networking shit is making you social creepers absolutely fucking nuts. It seems within the last few months or so that my facebook page has become a magnet for drama and that sort of thing. I don't know when it started or if it was the weather or something but too many people are turning my Facebook page into toilet paper... So let me go over some shit...
Have some fuckin dignity. Yeah, cursin and cussin and having fun is fine and all that but keep in mind Facebook leaves a digital print of you online... do you really want other people you know, important people or somebody in control of your career or paycheque to notice you bragging about your sexual conquests, or WAAAAAAAAY out of context/left field remarks that just leave you (and me for being your friend) looking like a disgusting person?
This one is self explanatory either you feel it or you don't.
I prune this bitch to MY liking ... not to yours. . . so if somebody says something in violation of previous rules or any rules which may or may not follow... what you say may end up on the cutting room floor. BUT However, keep in mind that the touchpad on my laptop is uber sensitive so if there is a screwed up word or something that is deleted, it could be an accidental tap on the touchpad. With that, its a case of what's done is done. I may not have meant to delete a thread or your post or my post or this link or that link.
If a mutual friend decides to say something controversial on my page, that's their own deal. I'll check to see if it offends my morality code and deal with it if I need to. But if for some reason somebody says something on my page you don't agree with... say it right on the page... DO NOT MESSAGE me to bitch. I don't even care if I agree with you, we can talk about that OTR some other time. Don't bitch about eachother through me... hell half the time I don't really like either one of you.
THIS BLOG! .. Whichever iteration of this Blog be it Jaded Gamer or This Yet To Be Re-Titled page. THIS! is the place where you can comment on anything I say without edit. Any comment here wont be subject to my law (unless its just really dumb) and you can get as nasty as you want and totally leave this page smelling like dead fish and hot dog flavored water. This is the place for it. So please... KEEP THAT SHIT AWAY FROM MY FACEBOOK.
The reason for the doubling up of blogs is simple. This social networking shit is making you social creepers absolutely fucking nuts. It seems within the last few months or so that my facebook page has become a magnet for drama and that sort of thing. I don't know when it started or if it was the weather or something but too many people are turning my Facebook page into toilet paper... So let me go over some shit...
Have some fuckin dignity. Yeah, cursin and cussin and having fun is fine and all that but keep in mind Facebook leaves a digital print of you online... do you really want other people you know, important people or somebody in control of your career or paycheque to notice you bragging about your sexual conquests, or WAAAAAAAAY out of context/left field remarks that just leave you (and me for being your friend) looking like a disgusting person?
This one is self explanatory either you feel it or you don't.
I prune this bitch to MY liking ... not to yours. . . so if somebody says something in violation of previous rules or any rules which may or may not follow... what you say may end up on the cutting room floor. BUT However, keep in mind that the touchpad on my laptop is uber sensitive so if there is a screwed up word or something that is deleted, it could be an accidental tap on the touchpad. With that, its a case of what's done is done. I may not have meant to delete a thread or your post or my post or this link or that link.
If a mutual friend decides to say something controversial on my page, that's their own deal. I'll check to see if it offends my morality code and deal with it if I need to. But if for some reason somebody says something on my page you don't agree with... say it right on the page... DO NOT MESSAGE me to bitch. I don't even care if I agree with you, we can talk about that OTR some other time. Don't bitch about eachother through me... hell half the time I don't really like either one of you.
THIS BLOG! .. Whichever iteration of this Blog be it Jaded Gamer or This Yet To Be Re-Titled page. THIS! is the place where you can comment on anything I say without edit. Any comment here wont be subject to my law (unless its just really dumb) and you can get as nasty as you want and totally leave this page smelling like dead fish and hot dog flavored water. This is the place for it. So please... KEEP THAT SHIT AWAY FROM MY FACEBOOK.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Coming Soon!
The future of Jaded Gamer... Coming soon... DUN DUN DUN!!
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